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Irish firm InfiniLED on "Silicon 60: Hot Start-Ups to Watch"


InfiniLED, a subsidiary of ScienceWorks Ventures plc. and a Tyndall National Institute (UCC) spin-out, has been included on a list of the world's leading start-up companies.

The EE Times "˜Silicon 60' List of Emerging Startups is one of the semiconductor sector's premier listing of global hot new technology companies. 

The Silicon 60 companies are selected based on a mix of criteria, including technology, intended market, maturity, financial position, investment profile and executive team.

InfiniLED, the innovator of MicroLEDs (µLED) and MicroLED arrays, is one of only two LED companies and the only Irish company included on the list.

The firm's technology includes a parabolic structure etched on the back of the LED die to focus the light generated into a collimated beam.

Commenting on the announcement Joe O'Keeffe, CEO of InfiniLED says, "It is an honour to be included in the Silicon 60 Hot Start-Ups list. This recognition validates our belief that the MicroLED technology is a significant new illumination technology. We have already encountered a large number of new applications, ranging from life sciences to consumer products, or which the MicroLED technology will be the enabler to their adoption. It is very exciting to be involved in such a life-changing technology. We look forward to bringing our technology to new customers."

O'Keeffe also adds, "Our venture investors IL Investments saw the potential of the MicroLED technology. Since their investment in early 2012, InfiniLED has been able to develop rapidly. The Silicon60 announcement is also a testament to vision of our investors. "

Tobias Poensgen, CEO of ScienceWorks, continues, "Begin named in the Silicon 60 is a great achievement for the InfiniLED team. The talented team at InfiniLED as well as the experience and support provided by ScienceWorks has allowed InfiniLED to grow rapidly. We are confident that InfiniLED will continue this progress and be in a position to deliver its technology to a growing range of global customers."

InfiniLED's MicroLED technology was invented by a team of researchers led by Brian Corbett at Tyndall National Institute. The company develops a range of LED light source modules based on its patented µLED (MicroLED) technology, which it has licensed from Tyndall.

The technology brings a number of performance benefits over widely available normal LEDs; the most significant being the significant reduction the illumination area and in battery power required to run the LED.

InfiniLED has a number of development contracts with international customers. The areas of application for the technology range from diagnostic testing devices to consumer products.



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